Aplikasi Google Play Store
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Aplikasi Google Play Store Untuk Laptop
Siapa yang tidak tahu Google Play Store, sebuah aplikasi android market yang membantu kita untuk mencari dan mendownload berbagai aplikasi secara mudah dan cepat.Dibanding aplikasi serupa lainnya, mungkin bisa dibilang kalau aplikasi besutan Google inilah yang paling terjamin keamanannya.
Download Google Play Store For Pc
Google Assistant is an official Google app which allows you to turn your Android smartphone into a virtual assistant. You can 'awaken' your assistant by clicking on the button on your smartphone’s homepage or simply by saying ‘OK Google’ into the microphone. The possibilities that Google Assistant offers are huge. You can have it send an e-mail to any of your contacts by dictating the content to it. You can also tell it to make a phone call or send a Whatsapp message. Creating alarms and reminders also takes just a few seconds.