Cheez It Expiration Date
After seeing yesterday’s post regarding the confusing expiration codes found on some foods, Brian sent The Consumerist a handy cheat sheet explaining the various code format, found inside. Mar 07, 2015 @Jeff_McLane Could also be July 3, 15 and those cheez-it's Are massively expired. Err on the side of caution here, Jeff. Err on the side of caution here, Jeff. 1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes.
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I was eating some very delicious premium cheese crackers just now -- they are extremely delicious, believe me. Nascar heat mobile android. The best way to describe them is to think of a much better version of those Sunshine Cheez-It crackers, with higher-quality ingredients. In fact, biting into just one of these rich crackers is like eating a slice of cheese.
Kellogg Expiration Date Codes
The box is small, and the price is high to reflect the great taste. Unfortunately, I noticed the expiration date on the package said best by January 5. Do you think eating these crackers so far after the expiration date is okay for a product like this? It isn't like milk or bread. It is a product that sits on the retail shelf, not far from the aforementioned Cheez-Its item, it isn't refrigerated. I've read articles that have said some expiration dates don't necessarily convey a date of safety, merely a date after which the taste might not be so good (the taste of these crackers was still pretty good, thankfully).