1. Krishna Das Om Namah Shivaya
  2. Krishna Das Namah Shivaya Song Download

We are happy to share this professionally filmed and recorded video of Krishna Das singing “Om Namah Shivaya” live as part of our new series Krishna Das Live! Songs With Lyrics. There are 12 parts to this series. Stay tuned every Wednesday at 8pm ET for a new song. There will be lyrics with each one, so you can follow along. A little midweek mantra motivation! Beyblade metal fury youtube.

Krishna Das Om Namah Shivaya


Krishna Das Namah Shivaya Song Download

‘Keep singing. It uncovers the love. The love of who we truly are.’~Krishna Das This video was shot in New York City at the Church Of St. Andrew in October 2013 and is part of a full-length kirtan recorded that evening. Check out “Krishna Das Live In New York, Vol. 1” available on DVD in our shop: Check out on sale ($10!) you can watch off line and enjoy a full 3+ hours of chanting with KD! Krishna Das vocals and harmonium David Nichtern guitar Arjun Bruggeman tabla and naal Nina Rao kartals Yaitza Jaya Sita Lopez cello John McDowell percussion and keyboards Mark Gorman bass Kosmic Kirtan Posse choir vocals Jay Messina mixing and mastering Kevin D Reilly live sound Sandy Chase/ Fluid Film video and editing.