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Sri Lankan Funny Jokes

How to unbrick galaxy s7 edge Sri Lankan Campus University Jokes for shcool students in Tamil English Sinhala Jokes Lankan Funny Jokes Web Site Campus Jokes Laughing Smiling Sri Lanka Joke Photos Pictures Videos Facebook Memes පට්ට සිංහල ජෝක්ස්, සිංහල විහිලු කතා, පට්ට කතා රස කතා.

Hot 4 years ago A Sri Lankan is calmly having his breakfast when an American, typically chewing gum, sits down beside him. The Sri Lankan ignores the American who begins to chat: The American: Do you eat that bread-entirely? The Sri Lankan: Of course! Password the game word list. The American: We do not. We only eat the inner part, the crust is put in a container, later processed, transformed into flour and then sold to Sri Lanka.

The Sri Lankan says nothing. The American continues: Do you eat this jelly with the bread? The Sri Lankan repeats: Of course. The American: We do not. We eat our fresh fruits for breakfast; we keep all the peels and seeds in the containers.

Sri Lankan Comedy Jokes Images

Later we process it, and transform it into jelly and then we sell it to Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan asks: And what do you do with the condoms after you use them? The American: We throw them away, of course! The Sri Lankan: We do not.