Youtube Serials In Telugu
Ci 2018 antwerp. Nagastram is a devotional Telugu serial aired on ETV in the year 2003. This show was broadcast weekly on Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. It has been aired for 270 episodes with conventional climax.
Youtube Serials In Telugu Ashta Chamma
This series has captivated viewers’ attention with its great production and graphical excellence making it one of a kind during its time. Devotional touch to the story caught a good catch to spark the instinctive desire of people to watch such supernatural serial. The story revolves around an Idol of Naageswari (Goddess of snakes) in the village Sarpavaram. The main objective of the story was to telecast the perplexing events occuring during the recovery of stolen Idol. The aura of mystery was the best part of the direction. The omnipresence of supernatural and occult lures and binds viewers to watch these episodes without missing any part during the broadcast.