
Silk Milk Products

Note: Califia Farms previously released “protein” varieties of their almond milk which contained dairy milk. They have since reformulated and the are dairy-free, soy-free, plant-based and vegan (made with pea protein and brown rice protein). It would take two hands to count the number of times someone at Expo West mentioned Califia Farms and their almond milk to me. As soon as I uttered the words “dairy-free,” I was bombarded with suggestive questions: Have you tried that new almond milk? Have you been to the Califia Farms booth yet? On the second day of the show, I finally made my way to the Califia Farms booth to see what all of the fuss was all about. I was immediately greeted by the enthusiastic founder of the Almondmilk products and an insanely cute set-up with beautifully packaged products, from the Califia Farms Almondmilk and (seriously!) to their aptly named.

Enjoy the goodness of Silk® Unsweetened Vanilla Almondmilk for less than half the calories of skim milk.1. Amazing in cereal, tea, coffee, and on its own!

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So why the hype? For starters, Califia Farms seems to be a darn good company. They are non-GMO verified, use 100 percent recyclable packaging (BPA-Free PET bottles), and take special care in product production. While other brands of almond milk use roasted almonds, Califia uses blanched “raw” California almonds to retain more of the fresh almond taste and natural nutrients. Tasting Notes for Califia Farms Almondmilk We concurred that Califia Farms Almondmilk does indeed retain more flavor; it has a more intense almond vibe than most other almond milks. Jungle It’s also very rich, and even a bit creamier than 2% dairy milk.